No mask. No hose. Just sleep.™
Inspire is the only FDA approved obstructive sleep apnea treatment that works inside your body to treat the root cause of sleep apnea with just the click of a button.

Inspire is the only FDA approved obstructive sleep apnea treatment that works inside your body to treat the root cause of sleep apnea with just the click of a button.

One simple click
opens your airway.
When you’re ready for bed, simply click the remote to turn Inspire on. While you sleep, Inspire opens your airway, allowing you to breathe normally and sleep peacefully.

How does Inspire work?
Inspire is an alternative to CPAP that works inside your body while you sleep. It’s a small device placed during a same-day, outpatient procedure.

Patient Outcomes
of bed partners report no snoring or soft snoring
of people are satisfied with Inspire
reduction in sleep apnea events
of Inspire patients say Inspire is better than CPAP & would recommend Inspire to others
1: Woodson et al., OTO-HNS 2018.
2: Heiser et al., ERJ 2019.

Life Before Inspire
“You’re tethered to this four-and-a-half foot hose, having something airtight on your face, and you’re supposed to relax and go to sleep?”

Deciding on Inspire
“I want to get it, life is going to be fantastic. I had no doubts.”

Life with Inspire
“It’s like being on a vacation. You’re relaxed, you’re feeling good, you’re looking forward to the day.”

Is Inspire therapy
right for me?
• You have moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea
• You’re unable to use or get consistent benefits from CPAP
• You are over the age of 18
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, please see your primary care provider for a referral to our state of the art sleep facility. Your doctor will evaluate your overall health status and perform a physical examination of your airway to determine if Inspire therapy is right for you.